The life and opinions of...

The Future is Female

Christmas Eve, 2019

Have you ever flown from night to day? 

I took my window seat on the plane. Mariam and I began chatting and we became fast friends. It was Christmas Eve and we were going to see our families. Mariam lived in Miami and knew how to sweet talk herself to an upgrade. The trick, she said, was to talk to a man. She wasn’t entitled or loud, her voice was soft and kind. As just about everyone else I meet while travelling, she loved Canadians. 

It was 5 am Toronto time as I woke up from a half sleep, lucky to get even that. I mean, if having a string of panic attacks before moving country and getting prescribed a bunch of meds to put this girl to sleep is lucky.

So as my Hydroxine wears off I look out the open window. By this time I wasn’t sitting next to it anymore, I gave Mariam the window seat. I guess her powers work on women too. The sky was neon pink and purple. I had never seen anything like it. At first I thought it was a sunrise. I wasn’t sure whether the bright neon pink hole in the sky playing peek-a-boo with me from behind the wing, was the sun or moon. It all filled me with wonder, the science, the perfect conditions that had to happen for me to witness this. Pink and purple, and more pink and more purple. It was like a black light shone on the moon for some atmospheric rave. Yet it was peaceful. 

When I hear the popular saying, “The Future is Female,” I never quite got it. Seeing this spectacle and feeling inspired to write, it was the first thing to come to mind. The future became personified as a woman, the divine feminine, as I caught a glimpse of her radiance at its most empowered. The phrase also meant at that moment that the sacred feminine spirit which lives in all things is becoming increasingly known. Femininity is not exclusive to women, just as masculinity is not exclusive to men. No matter how progressive one is, you can’t deny the female spirit as unique from the male spirit. The mother from the father. I’ve seen many men embody mother, and women embody father. The masculine and feminine are intertwined and live in all of us. 

That being said, “The Future is Female” means the feminine is unapologetically entering the sphere of consciousness, one sunmoonrise at a time. The feminine is taking back the space that belongs to her. One female friendship at a time. One voice at a time. One pink sky at a time. Liberating, birthing, beautifying everything it touches. 

As I’ve been writing this on the plane, perfection happened. The sunmoon continued to rise and the sky turned blue. Deep ocean blues upon tropical shades, the kind of blue you would find on a long lost flower with mystical qualities. Bordering neon, the pure vibrancy of this sky took my breath away. Again. This celestial transformation from pink to blue was not competitive. It was natural. The sky is co-inhabited by spirits making themselves known through colour. Each owning their share of time and space, for in the vastness that is our sky, there is plenty to go around.
