The life and opinions of...

The Stakes Are High

I e-mailed my “Irrefutable” essay to a professor at my school because I was curious on what counter-arguments he could offer. His response was nothing less than dismissive: “These arguments are out-of-date,” “the debate is over,” etc. He, at least, helped remind me that my main point is that the Bible is unclear on this issue for various reasons. Hermeneutically, all arguments and counter-arguments for and against homosexuality are speculative—but the power lies in the arguments which humble biblical interpretations and clarify the ambiguity on the subject in a culture of religious certitude. 

This man, among many others who have written articles and books which I have studied, are loud in their opinions and menacing in their condescension. After researching Matthew Todd, I’ve realized/remembered the stakes of these toxic claims: murder, incarceration, internalized homophobia, trauma, psychological and physical torture, repression, addiction, and suicide.  

It’s not over. 

The power of words can be overwhelming. The negative and discouraging words of my professor were, surprisingly, not without sting. But I also have been given words—from God and the Holy Spirit—and they will not fall on deaf ears. I may not be able to silence the voice of religious oppression, but I can meet it with a voice just as vigorous and unrelenting; vigorous in respect and unrelenting in love. We can agree to disagree, but I will not be dismissed.

I'm not going anywhere.


Disclaimer: I do not advocate discrimination or adversity towards those who believe homosexuality is a sin for religious reasons. I advocate co-existence between those who differ on the subject, which can only be found in mutual respect. Oppressive and divisive language is found on both sides and we can change that, one conversation and relationship at a time.